Huck Across America Pt 2: Louisiana — Huck enters the lives of young people from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala to find out what kind of American Dream they found once they crossed the border into the States.

Julia has had an ankle monitor on for four months. Her crime: crossing the southern border into the US to escape gang war in Honduras.

Another Home: Life Beyond The Border looks at the many lives of immigrants to the US, and at the stigmatising language that permeates most conversations on the issue.

We also meet Omar, a cook from Mexico, his Guatemalan housemate Javier, and Isabel, who saw her husband killed by drug lords back in Honduras and fled with her two young children, leaving her teenage boy behind.

Since Katrina, thousands of Latin Americans have moved to Louisiana towns and cities to work on the reconstruction. Many have stayed, and many more have followed over the years, fleeing gang war, violence and poverty back home.

In November 2014, President Obama introduced legislation to protect up to 5 million people from deportation. Protection extends to those who arrived in the U.S. before 2010 and whose kids are American citizens or hold a green card – but does not address the flow of people arriving daily. Today millions of people remain untouched by the new measure, living in the shadows, and illegal in the eyes of the law.

Watch Episode One: The Town That Hippies Built.

Directed by Smriti Keshari, edited by Isabel Freeman.

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