Sophie Mo

We must learn how to talk about queer sexual assault

We must learn how to talk about queer sexual assault

Speaking out — LGBTQ+ people are statistically more likely to experience sexual violence, but the topic seldom receives mainstream coverage. It's time we discussed the issue with the nuance it deserves, argues writer Jake Hall.

Written by: Jake Hall

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

#LWithTheT — In the wake of a popular British gay magazine sharing several tweets from a transphobic organisation last month, writer Jack King argues that these attempts to stoke division are a danger to us all.

Written by: Jack King

Nature and mental health: why our minds need the wild

Nature and mental health: why our minds need the wild

Invisible magic — In her new book Losing Eden, science writer Lucy Jones explores the intimate link between the human psyche and the natural world.

Written by: Lewis Gordon

The dangers of dating as a queer man in Nigeria

The dangers of dating as a queer man in Nigeria

Kito diaries — In a country where homophobia is rife, members of the LGBTQ community have sought solace in online spaces – but even these have been infiltrated, by a dangerous brand of homophobes known as ‘Kitos’.

Written by: Vincent Desmond

Why imagination is key to building a fairer future

Why imagination is key to building a fairer future

Reject the centre — By limiting our thinking to what’s deemed ‘sensible‘, we play right into the hands of those upholding the status quo. In response, writer Nathalie Olah is issuing a rallying cry: a better future is possible, we just have to dream bigger.

Written by: Nathalie Olah

Pay-to-win: the great injustice of private education

Pay-to-win: the great injustice of private education

It’s time for an overhaul — Labour is right about abolishing private schools. Upholding tiered education because it benefits your child is not wanting the ‘best’ for them – it is wanting worse for others.

Written by: Tristan Cross

When it comes to periods, hygiene is a dirty word

When it comes to periods, hygiene is a dirty word

#HealthNotHygiene — Women across the world are made to feel dirty or shameful for menstruating, and the language we use is partly to blame. Changing the way we talk may finally help shift the stigma, argues #HealthNotHygiene convenor Josie Parmee.

Written by: Josie Parmee

Are Stans the internet’s most toxic subculture?

Are Stans the internet’s most toxic subculture?

Fear of the fandom — From Beyonce’s Beyhive to Rihanna’s Navy: the world of online fandom has become both impressive and extreme. Is it time we took its power more seriously?

Written by: Anne T. Donahue

The sinister story behind Russia’s LGBTQ ‘kill list’

The sinister story behind Russia’s LGBTQ ‘kill list’

A dangerous message — Last month, activist Elena Grigorieva was murdered after her details were doxxed on a mysterious, Saw-inspired website. But who is behind it, and why doesn’t anyone seem to be taking it seriously?

Written by: Jake Hall

The alternative death centre helping you go out in style

The alternative death centre helping you go out in style

Knocking them dead — From leopard print coffins to environmentally friendly ceremonies, Arka is the women-led funeral home changing the way we deal with the death process.

Written by: Niloufar Haidari

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