

Tech workers are fighting back against employee surveillance

Power in numbers — Invasive workplace surveillance has become a reality for many remote workers over the pandemic. Now, tech workers are unionising to lead the resistance.

Written by: Sian Bradley


The teen ‘finfluencers’ trying to keep hustle culture alive

Crypto kids — On ‘FinTok’, teenagers who’ve hit the crypto jackpot say they want to help their peers do the same – but are they simply perpetuating a broken capitalist system?

Written by: Chloé Meley


It’s time to make bosses pay for the commute

Taken for a ride — As workforces are summoned back into the office, a new campaign is calling for half of all fares to be covered by employers. We ought to see commuting as unpaid labour, argues writer Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover


How to escape the tyranny of work under capitalism

Lost in Work — In her new book, writer and researcher Amelia Horgan explores the many problems facing today’s underpaid, exhausted and disillusioned workforce and why fixing them will mean radically changing the very foundations of society.

Written by: Daisy Schofield


The ‘Robin Hood‘ bank robber who stole to save society

The unusual suspect — Author Ben Machell discusses his new non-fiction book tracing the extraordinary case of Stephen Jackley, a university student who raided banks and betting offices between 2007 and 2008 with the intention of giving to the poor.

Written by: Daisy Schofield


Why we started a club night for our teacher, Mark Fisher

For k-punk — Ahead of an event hosted at the ICA in his memory, three of the late Mark Fisher's students remember their lecturer and describe the ways they have endeavoured to keep his fierce spirit and energy of his music writing alive.

Written by: Natasha Eves, Archie Smith and Kitty McKay


Raven Leilani on failure, sex and the brutality of capitalism

Luster and beyond — The New York-based novelist discusses her masterful debut, Luster, a book capturing the angst and self-discovery that defines the early-20s quagmire.

Written by: Katie Goh


Mark O’Connell’s guide to surviving the apocalypse

Notes from the end of the world — In his new book, Notes From An Apocalypse, the Irish author investigates our in-built obsession with the end of the world – meeting preppers, bunker entrepreneurs and would-be Mars colonists from around the globe.

Written by: Colin Gannon


The anticapitalist streaming service taking on Netflix

This is Means TV — Means TV is the world’s first ‘post-capitalist, worker-owned streaming service’, providing subscribers with leftist documentaries, films and cartoons. But in an industry run by big business and billionaires, can it really survive?

Written by: Daisy Schofield


How to save the world from financialisation

Lessons from Grace Blakeley — The journalist and economist talks us through her new book, and why it’s so important that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

Written by: Ben Smoke

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