
We need an honest conversation about monkeypox

We need an honest conversation about monkeypox

Vax equity now — With the government dragging its heels in the face of a global health emergency, we must take steps to fight misinformation and demand a swift UK-wide vaccine roll out, writes Phil Samba.

Written by: Phil Samba

BBLs and penis enlargements: the rise of men’s surgery

BBLs and penis enlargements: the rise of men’s surgery

Under the knife — Plastic surgery providers are targeting some of men’s biggest insecurities with hazardous procedures, often deploying social media advertising that lacks any meaningful oversight or regulation.

Written by: Chloé Meley

Social care: we need radical action, not broken promises

Social care: we need radical action, not broken promises

System in crisis — In this morning’s Queen’s Speech, the mention of social care amounted to a single line. It failed to ensure the investment and long-term action that is needed to support people throughout their lives, writes Anna Dixon, CEO of Centre for Ageing Better.

Written by: Anna Dixon

It‘s a Sin’s Nathaniel Hall on the reality of living with HIV

It‘s a Sin’s Nathaniel Hall on the reality of living with HIV

Fighting stigma — We sat down on our Instagram channel with actor and activist Nathaniel Hall, who contracted HIV at age 16, to discuss the Channel 4 drama and how, after years of keeping it secret, he came to live openly and boldly with the disease.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Easing the gay blood ban means more sexual stigma

Easing the gay blood ban means more sexual stigma

Pyrrhic victory — In the wake of a rule change meaning that more gay men can give blood, writer Benjamin Weil argues that the burden of AIDS discrimination has merely shifted elsewhere in the community.

Written by: Benjamin Weil

The hotel business pivoting to supply 15 million with PPE

The hotel business pivoting to supply 15 million with PPE

Pandemic Innovators — For the past 10 years, Laurence Nair-Price has run a business dealing in hotel furnishings. But after witnessing the government's calamitous failings around COVID-19, the entrepreneur decided to take matters into his own hands, reinventing his company to supply millions with PPE.

Written by: Huck

A journey through Mexico’s spiralling healthcare crisis

A journey through Mexico’s spiralling healthcare crisis

Midnight family — A new documentary examines the lack of government funding in the country, and the citizens who have been forced to pick up the slack.

Written by: Zoe Whitfield

The world’s in crisis – it’s time to act

The world’s in crisis – it’s time to act

This is The Fightback — The Fightback is a new Huck series platforming the activists making a vital difference in their local communities – and we want to hear from you.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Ache: a new zine artfully tackling the gender health gap

Ache: a new zine artfully tackling the gender health gap

‘Women must be listened to’ — The intersectional magazine explores how women experience pain in a society that seems pitted against them. Here, writer Emily Reynolds meets co-founder Kirstie Millar: ‘our voices need to be heard and respected.’

Written by: Emily Reynolds

How I learned to say 'fuck it', there's nothing to fear in being fat

How I learned to say 'fuck it', there's nothing to fear in being fat

Lessons to live by — Megan Nolan spent years miserably fighting her body, desperate to contort it into a perfect figure she had in her head. Then one day she decided to embrace it.

Written by: Megan Nolan

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