
Students are resisting the Hostile Environment at uni

Students are resisting the Hostile Environment at uni

Mitie must fall — A new campaign is calling on universities to sever ties with the private company that runs Britain’s immigration detention centres.

Written by: Katie Tobin

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

Borders kill — The Home Office claims to want to support people displaced by war, but is at the same time hosting a shadowy arms fair to help arms companies sell their deadly wares to stop people crossing borders.

Written by: Mary Atkinson

My battle with the Home Office to save my sisters fleeing war

My battle with the Home Office to save my sisters fleeing war

Search for Sanctuary — A Ukrainian living in London describes her struggle to bring her family members seeking refuge from war into the UK due to an uncompassionate immigration system.

Written by: Daisy Schofield

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

Search for Sanctuary — With two million displaced by the war, people scrambling to find safety are being met with callous immigration systems and racism at the border.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

No To Hassockfield — Campaigners aren‘t giving up the fight to close a ‘barbaric’ detention centre which they say endangers women looking for safety.

Written by: Lauren Crosby Medlicott

Rapper Anik Khan on his time as an undocumented citizen

Rapper Anik Khan on his time as an undocumented citizen

Denied, Approved — The New York MC reflects on his experience with Trumpian US immigration policy, and how it impacted his career.

Why climate justice means migrant justice

Why climate justice means migrant justice

Climate takeover — It is morally reprehensible to have a conversation about climate justice without acknowledging the issues around race and migration, writes Yvonne Blake, the co-founder of MORE.

Written by: Yvonne Blake

The Borders Bill will replicate callous Australian policy

The Borders Bill will replicate callous Australian policy

Broken systems — Senator Nick McKim of the Australian Greens and Benali Hamdache of the UK Green Party explain why Priti Patel’s new Immigration Bill will resemble the worst part’s of Australia policy, inflicting the same suffering, merely under a Union Jack.

Written by: Nick McKim and Benali Hamdache

The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The fight ahead — While the Tories claim that their authoritarian Bill will create a fairer system, in reality, it’ll only serve to harm the most marginalised and vulnerable, writes Leah Cowan.

Written by: Leah Cowan

The hostile environment is damaging vaccine rollouts

The hostile environment is damaging vaccine rollouts

Callous system — Government immigration policies are driving up Covid deaths. Writer Ziad Al-Qattan speaks with healthcare and human rights campaigners to find out why.

Written by: Ziad Al-Qattan

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