
The devastating impact of Prevent in schools

The devastating impact of Prevent in schools

‘I felt interrogated’ — As the government reviews its ‘anti-terror’ programme, the plight of young Muslims suffering as a result of racist policy only looks set to worsen.

Written by: Nadeine Asbali

As a Muslim, Labour no longer feels like the party for me

As a Muslim, Labour no longer feels like the party for me

Taken for granted — After a councillor accused of Islamophobia was allowed to stand for Labour, many Muslims are left questioning if they can stand by a party that is failing to tackle racism.

Written by: Nadeine Asbali

In India, Muslim students are resisting the hijab ban

In India, Muslim students are resisting the hijab ban

‘My dreams are shattered‘ — Following a court ruling upholding a ban on Muslim students wearing head coverings in schools, girls who’ve been denied their fundamental rights are fighting back, reports Akshata Kapoor.

Written by: Akshata Kapoor

Why Islamophobia is a threat to all people

Why Islamophobia is a threat to all people

Tangled in Terror — Author Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan discusses her new book exploring the way that Islamophobia is woven into our everyday lives.

Written by: Shahed Ezaydi

Young UK Muslims on growing up in the shadow of 9/11

Young UK Muslims on growing up in the shadow of 9/11

20 years on — To mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Gen Z Muslims reflect on how the tragedy spurred on Islamophobia in Britain, and the impact it’s had on their lives.

Written by: Mishti Ali

In Europe, far-right extremism has become the new normal

In Europe, far-right extremism has become the new normal

The acceptable face of fascism — Writer Hasan Patel explores how the increase in far-right attacks has been fuelled and validated by an unfiltered online world and an unmoderated media.

Written by: Hasan Patel

Khidr is the zine giving a voice to young British Muslims
Zine Scene

Khidr is the zine giving a voice to young British Muslims

Zine Scene — At a time when Islamophobia runs rampant, a London collective are offering their own counter-narrative instead of letting racism take the headline.

Written by: Biju Belinky

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Breaking the melting pot — In the wake of Trump’s victory, we’re reaching out to artists, activists and countercultural figures - the people Huck was born to celebrate - for their original and thought-provoking takes on what it means for America, for them and for all of us. Eman Mohammed fought misogyny to become Gaza’s first female photojournalist. Now a US resident, she’s worried Trump’s language is destroying what makes America great: its diversity, equality and unity.

Written by: Alex King

#WearWhatYouWant: Protest in London over French burkini ban

#WearWhatYouWant: Protest in London over French burkini ban

What happened to Liberté? — In response to the Islamophobic ban on burkini wearing in many parts of France, women protested at the French Embassy in London to call out the prejudice.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The artist who spent nine years illustrating a Qu’ran set in modern America

The artist who spent nine years illustrating a Qu’ran set in modern America

Art and understanding in the face of rising Islamophobia — Los Angeles-based artist Sandow Birk reimagines historical paintings with a contemporary political critique. His latest project is a Qu’ran illustrated with images from today’s America.

Written by: Alex King

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