
VCR visionary: The woman who taped 33 years of TV news

VCR visionary: The woman who taped 33 years of TV news

The Marion Stokes Project — Director Matt Wolf speaks to Huck about his documentary on the elusive Marion Stokes, a Communist radical who recorded 70,000 tapes worth of TV news as a form of activism.

Written by: Daisy Schofield

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

The fight for funding — A dearth of compassion for trans people makes it easier to pit them against cis women and children. But the true evil is right under our noses, writes Nicola Dinan.

Written by: Nicola Dinan

The world is changing – it’s time our media did too

The world is changing – it’s time our media did too

Breaking point — The UK media’s handling of the coronavirus crisis has been a shambles, argues writer and academic Des Freedman. We need to demand more.

Written by: Des Freedman

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

Impartiality anyone? No? — Our biggest and best-known media commentators are intent on delivering an election result that preserves their power – keeping it in the hands of the few, not the many.

Written by: Des Freedman

Inside the hazardous quest for social media stardom

Inside the hazardous quest for social media stardom

Fake it till you make it — Liza Mandelup’s new documentary, Jawline, follows 16-year-old Austyn as he tries to carve out a career as an influencer and escape his hometown of Kingsport, Tennessee.

Written by: Holly Connolly

Television has always hated working class people

Television has always hated working class people

Good riddance Jeremy Kyle — Jeremy Kyle may finally be gone, but what it stands for – the hateful demonisation of working-class communities – remains stronger than ever. Dawn Foster explains why the show was always just a small part of a much larger toxic ecosystem.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Right-wing nation: how the UK media became broken & biased

Right-wing nation: how the UK media became broken & biased

We deserve better — Racism, bigotry, and a slowly shifting centre – writer Micha Frazer-Carroll explores how the British press became partisan without anyone noticing.

Written by: Micha Frazer-Carroll

We're failing to hold the British media to account

We're failing to hold the British media to account

From Where I Stand — It took eight months for The Times to be held accountable for a series of front pages which may well have whipped up Islamophobia. Punishments must be harsher else nothing will change, writes Dawn Foster. Hidden apologies just aren't good enough.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Jeremy Corbyn is right to take on the tabloid press

Jeremy Corbyn is right to take on the tabloid press

From Where I Stand — This week the right-wing press have printed falsehood after falsehood about the Labour leader, and yet have still failed in their all out nonsense spy attack. Ignore their outrage at Labour's warnings, writes Dawn Foster. They're just angry that the game is up.

Written by: Dawn Foster

By joining Rebel Media, Katie Hopkins is embracing the British far-right

By joining Rebel Media, Katie Hopkins is embracing the British far-right

All you need to know — If you hoped Katie Hopkins getting dropped by the Mail and LBC would spell her end, think again. She's now signed up to work for far-right outfit Rebel Media, which has ambitions to build a racist movement on Britain's streets.

Written by: James Poulter

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