Tony Blair

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

Read the room Tony — The former Prime Minister is a haunted relic who continues to plea for attention and relevance. It’s not helping anyone.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Protestors demanded justice after damning Chilcot report into Iraq War

Protestors demanded justice after damning Chilcot report into Iraq War

Chilcot Report #5: The fight for justice goes on — As the Chilcot report was presented in a packed-out Westminster conference suite, protestors outside made it clear that this report is only the beginning for justice and accountability.

Written by: Max Gayler

Blood on his hands: Should Tony Blair be prosecuted for war crimes?

Blood on his hands: Should Tony Blair be prosecuted for war crimes?

Chilcot Report #4: Tony Blair, war criminal? — After the Chilcot Report savaged Tony Blair’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, should he face trial for war crimes that resulted in the deaths of over 150,000 Iraqis?

Written by: Max Gayler

Don’t Attack Iraq: The protests that politicised a generation

Don’t Attack Iraq: The protests that politicised a generation

Chilcot Report #2: Where are they now? — When millions of British people failed to stop the disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003, it led to years of anger and apathy. But those experiences weren’t wasted; they have gone on to shape a bright new generation, who developed tactics to create change when politicians refuse to adhere to the will of the people. But what became of those young protestors? Huck tracks down four activists who were mobilised as teens by the biggest anti-war demonstration in British history.

Written by: Alex King

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